Hello and thank you for visiting our website! My name is Scott, the founder of Tree Spirit Candle Company. To help you better understand our company, let me tell you a few things about myself and the motivation behind making our products.

I am a Neurologist. That might seem like a strange avenue into candle making, but it also explains why I started pouring them. Fragrances have the power to elevate our mood and elicit vivid memories. The reason is because our sense of smell is directly connected to an area of the brain associated with emotions and memory. No other nerve in the human body does that! Consequently, the fragrances we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our mood and cognitive functioning. And candle making itself is a science. It is chemistry and physics. There is constant testing and experimentation. Of course, candle making is also an art. Quality candles smell, look, and feel beautiful. There are no short cuts when creating them. It takes time and attention. It requires the finest materials and skills only experience can provide.

Since leaving medicine I have worn many hats. My proudest accomplishment is being a stay-at-home father. It is the best decision I ever made. I also like actual hats, which anyone who knows me can verify.

Lastly, I love Saint Simons Island. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth and I am constantly amazed by my wonderful island neighbors and our friendly visitors. I am proud that our company can help support the Land Trust. It is the least we can do.

I still create each of my candles by hand and I refuse to compromise their quality in any way. We hope you will try them and let us know about your experience. Please feel free to contact us!

Tree Spirit Candle Company

(912) 771-9965


5 Kings Lane, Saint Simons Island, GA 31522

J. Scott Brickman, MD

About Our Name

Inspired by the artwork of Keith Jennings, our company was named in honor of the famous Tree Spirits of Saint Simons Island. Sincere thanks to Mr. Jennings for his support and encouragement. If you haven’t already, visit the Tree Spirits and discover their legend. It is time well spent.

St. Simons Land Trust

We are proud partners with the St. Simons Land Trust. A portion of all proceeds is donated to help protect the island’s natural areas and wildlife. Go to sslt.org to find out more.

Visit sslt.org